Sneaky Pete

4th of February, Sunday. I came to my senses and woke up around 2:10 pm, I hate Sundays...Oh yes! I did. I still do! Procrastinating all week, "Oh, I'll wash all my clothes on Sunday!" or "I am going to wake up early and will go to see the sunrise at the lake" or "My room stinks like hell but there is  THE SUNDAY two days from now, I am going to clean it up all then!" and lots of stuff too. And it's Sunday now! and I have to DO all of it now. Shit!
But there was this one more thought that kept wobbling in my mind about Sunday all that weak that I need to have one more story till Sunday. I had none! 
My room was a mess. A thought came that I'll clean it up on Sunday! God Dammit! It is the Sunday! I came to peace with me and decided to do it next Sunday! For sure! Like I took an oath with myself. I am going to do it on next Sunday. Another thought, "No story yet!" I screamed to myself. This is not good at all. 
I got up from my bed. My guitar still lying next to me. Looking deep into my eyes, like she wants me to apologize for the last night when I picked her up, plucked few wires, tuned a little but decided to keep her aside and chose my phone over her. It broke her heart, again, so she kept staring at me all night without saying a word, as if she knew, her silence is the worst punishment for me! 
I too kept looking at her, deep eye contact for few seconds, without apologizing or even saying anything I got up from the bed and let her kept sobbing in bed alone. 
It was around 3:45 that my cell phone rang and it was the alarm. I never did set any alarm for 3:45 pm but it rings every day, even if I am in the office, and still, I never managed to delete it, let it be! I escaped again. 
Got my laptop and started browsing some videos on youtube. All my browsing history is full of "Breaking Bad" clips, "Best of 80s Rock playlists","Documentary on Pink Floyd" "Horror stories, Hell House" few more like interviews of Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Page, Syd Barrett etc...I chose to click on the third video on the list about "Bryan Cranston wins an Emmy for "Breaking Bad" 2014" and it made my day.

Julia Roberts announced the winner and Bryan Cranston, the lead actor of the one of the most amazing and addictive TV series I have ever seen, Breaking Bad, comes to the stage accepts his award and said this, "Even I thought for voting for Matthew. I don't know why I've been blessed with a lot of abundance of good fortune in my life, I've been a kid who always looks for a short-cut, skeemer, my own family nicknamed me Sneaky Pete! My own family. So, I did happen to stumble upon finding a passion that created a seed and bloomed into something so beautiful to me, I love to act. It is a passion of mine and I  will do it until my last breath. I can only say that I have a gratitude for all the things that ever happened to me. I have gratitude for the Academy for this lovely honour. To love for my family, I love you guys. To gratitude for AMC and Sony and especially to Vince Gilligan to make this possible for me to have this role for me for my lifetime. Gratitude for our writers, the directors, the wonderful crew that we had in New Mexico and this intimate cast that we created, my dear friend Aron Paul, I love you so much. You were there with me all the way and I appreciate that and helping each other. To Anna Gunn, my television wife, extraordinary, I love you and especially those scenes in bed. And finally, I just want to say that I'd like to dedicate this award to all the Sneaky Petes of the world who thought that maybe settling for the mediocrity is a good idea because it is safe, don't do it! Take a chance, take a risk, find that passion, re-kindle it, fall in love all over again. It's really worth it! God bless you. Thank you very much." I had tears in my eyes with those last words. But I too got inspired. "Thank you, Walter White aka Heisenberg!" I said and smiled. 
Even if I never washed my clothes, didn't even cleaned my room, it still stinks, mess all around. But I was fine with it. I was convinced. I was happy. Sneaky Pete. That's me, and I got my story!

One of my fav scenes from the Finale of Breaking Bad!


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