"My friend, let's escape!"

Another weekend and yeah this time, I kept my promises! I woke up early, went to see the sunrise at the lake, came back and had a good healthy breakfast. I too even decided to clean all the mess that I've created in my room and I really did it! Also washed all my clothes, even the bedsheet! And it really did cheer out the place. Yeah, it is going to be a good day. So then I decided to reward myself. I usually do it. You do something good: You reward yourself! Simple. And yet the most effective idea. Listen to your favourite playlist, buy yourself an ice-cream, or just appreciate yourself. Why go hard on yourself every time. A simple gesture will work. I ordered Pizza! I was happy.

A simple thought, yet a deep one! Why would you ever go hard on yourself? Why ever would you lose all hope on yourself and keep sinking in the ocean of regrets and keep escaping all the actions you'd have taken to make things right. Well, I guess it's the easy way. Just escape! that's my favourite past time by the way. It actually slows things down if you see. And the reason why I escape things is this stupid lesson that I learned when I was in school. I was not at all good at maths! barely passing my exams and just making fool out of myself all around, until this new tutor came into the picture who analysed my way of doing things and suggested me this simple solution. "Whenever you find yourself stuck in something and couldn't figure out how to solve things up, just leave it for a moment! You move on! Go on and do some other stuff! Fresh your mind up. And then after some time come back to the same task and see it in a whole new aspect like you never attempted it in the first place. The higher odds are you'll end up thinking way differently and you CAN find a possible solution this time!" By 'stuck in something' my teacher meant 'maths problems' but I took it too seriously and in a different manner and started applying this simple theory in my life whenever I find myself stuck in a difficult situation. And it actually worked! Yes, it DID. And I started doing well in my exams too. It helped me in my grades, pretty much helpful in my life too, practically speaking. 

Actually, it did really help me in various situations when I lose all hope and could not find the right way out. Similar to my ninth grade maths problem, trying different methods, formulas or hit and trails to solve it, but couldn't. I just jumped to another problem or situation. The easy one though! I knew that solving it is actually going to boost up my confidence a little that I almost lost while trying that one! So I just keep on doing more. And once I realised that I have gathered all that confidence and courage required, I am going to give that "Stuck Up" problem, another try! Most of the time, it just tricks your mind that you are not that pathetic and miserable as you think you are. You are not a loser and you can do it, let's just try it another way. And yeah, most of the time it did really work well. It's just that when we fail at something, our brain just shutter-down all the possible receptors and stops receiving any new information or fact about that issue and keeps on playing the same record of not able to doing it and failing it, all the time again and again! But if we just leave it all for some time and get involved with some new task, we trick our mind by skipping it for a while and process our mind to work on something new could be easier than the earlier one or could be not. But at least we open our receptors and let the flow of information through our brain and that's what it takes to get the results. Our brain just works on patterns and our actions decide them. We just have to keep our receptors on, let good vibes and positivity to enter ourselves and that is the time when the magic begins. So next time if you get stuck at something, just sit back and say these magical words to your mind,"My friend, let's escape!"
Well, here just flaunting my photography skills! ;)


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